Sep 17Liked by Sarah Robertson

As a freelance writer I definitely had to learn to gamify rejection, too. A lot of people in the industry set themselves goals like this, too. 100 rejections in a year, for example. It's funny how easily it takes the sting off. Getting a rejection from the NYT and HuffPo felt like a badge of honour because I'd tried!

That said, I've taken a backseat from the pitching game in recent months/years because I couldn't handle it or hold space for the unknown and the disappointment of it while moving on this journey through grief and other unknowns. I think there are seasons for it, like there are seasons for everything! It perhaps feels more like a summer game than a winter one, when the stakes are lower and there's more playful, fun energy around 💜

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Yeah, I think writers and authors can teach us so much about rejection because it’s a muscle they’ve trained over and over. And I agree there are seasons for it, that’s a smart observation 🌞

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