This is beautiful Sarah. I think what I love about Brand Seasons is it is underpinned by stories and kindness and being aware of your own rhythm. Thank you for including one of my essays too. I really appreciate it.

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Oh I love this, Claire! Knowing you see this space as one of stories and kindness, awareness and rhythm, makes me heart very happy 🥰

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So beautifully expressed Sarah, and I also feel that push and pull so much of wanting to just be here in this season of presence with my babes… and yet also this desire and vision to expand with my heart work. It’s a lot to dance with but it’s also teaching me more and more about holding polarity and anchoring to myself. I have just recommitted to my daily journaling practice and am also considering how I can take my studio work into a dedicated space… I think that would definitely help clarify the boundaries a little. Thank you for reflecting a lot of what’s on my heart too xxxx

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I really want to anchor myself, too. It’s a word I wrote in my journal this morning. But I also want to explore. It feels unsettling, this transitional time and liminal space, but I also wonder if I’m on the precipice of change. Perhaps this is where our discomfort comes from? 💛

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Oh yes… there is a sense of change and expansion but that is unsettling as well as exciting. I think maybe we are always on the cusp of it as it’s human nature but some seasons feel like bigger stretches than others xxx

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The autumn and winter felt more easeful, for sure. I was in a calmer place. And, yes, it feels like a big shift is coming 🙃

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Holding you as you traverse it lovely xxx

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I relate to this tension between consistency and freedom Sarah. I feel like I have been trying out ways to balance a need for routine and a need for wild freedom my whole life - through jobs in exciting countries, to self employment, back to an office job again. I have enjoyed lots of different sides of all of these and impressed you have stayed self employed for 20 years. I also love Mary Oliver - I often read her on the metro in Dubai to remind me of nature and soul. Thank you for this piece.

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Thank you for reading. I love it when people happen upon older posts that resonate. It was a good opportunity for me to re-read it and reflect, too 💛

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I often wonder if it’s a forever thing, the quest for freedom and abandon! But I wonder if you’re onto something because that sense of freedom usually comes when we’re embracing something fresh and new. Like the various paths your career has taken you down. I think I manage to find it when I give myself the time and space to play, to work on side projects. I think that’s what sustains me!

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Yes I agree - I think when I was younger that newness felt a key part of freedom. But as I get older, I think having a level of stability gives me more of a feeling of being calm enough to express myself and find rhythms to create and play like you.

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Such a great post Sarah, really like the idea of congruence over consistency, it feels much gentler. Also love when you say:

"There is beauty in the pulse of life, in the humanness and messiness of it all."

And the way that you journal too, writing down what inspires you and feels good.

Always enjoy your posts Sarah, they are full of compassion ❤️

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So pleased this landed with you, Jenna, and glad you enjoy my posts. It means a lot in this season of stretchiness, where sharing isn’t coming quite so easily 💛

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Lovely post Sarah thank you, its left me with a lot to think on. I also have to say that I got an email from a friend today who mentioned A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver. In her words ‘It’s the title of a collection of approx 40 of her poems to remind us that amidst uncertainty and darkness there will be a dawn.’ I will definitely be looking her up.

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Yes, she definitely finds the light in the shade. And writes so beautifully on nature and the small moments. I need to familiarise myself with more of her words as I always find I'm transported by her poems! I see you're in Orkney? I'm in the Scottish Borders, not quite the southernmost part of Scotland 😀

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