What a lovely invite! I’m Claire, I’m a slow lived entrepreneur - 6 years into that journey and 15 into being self employed. I’m in service to creatives in a multitude of ways in my work. We live in Northumberland by the coast with our two children and 7 pet chickens. We’ve had chickens for a long time now but will be letting them move on soon to make space for a garden studio. ✨ 🛖

Creativity impacts my wellbeing so massively I wouldn’t be without it. ✨ I am so looking forward to booking a session with you Sarah when you’re back at work! It’s in my 10 year plan to work with a brand specialist! I think we’ll be such a great fit! ✨🪴🙌🏻

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It’s our dream to have chickens! Maybe we can do a swap?! Some branding in exchange for your bevy 😂

Thanks for sharing your journey, Claire. I’d love to support your branding project on my return. I’m embracing this season of life but so excited for future creative projects 🥰

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What’s a bevvy!?? 😂

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Isn’t it a group of things? As in a bevy of chickens? Maybe it’s only used in reference to people 🤣

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I’ve honestly never heard of it!! A bevvy here is an alcoholic drink! 😆 but yeah you can have em love!! 🐔✨✨✨

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Ah yes a bevvy here is a drink! After the day I’ve had, in this ridiculous heat, I’ll take one of those too 😆

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Ideal!!! A bevvy of bevvys all round! The heat is ill placed for our first week back to school - it’s mad! And we’ve had a Sahara dump of dust on the cars and the coops - it’s been bonkers today!

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Hi Sarah! Thanks for the warm welcome. I discovered Brand Seasons recently, although I can't remember if it was through Notes or ... ?! ... I resonate with the coziness and intentionality of your space.

I'm Kathryn. I have been a full-time writer for almost twenty years, and I'm passionate about exploring the complex relationship between art and mental health - celebrating art as therapy and catharsis but also being honest about the shadow side (the ways in which art harms, the impact of mental health symptoms on creativity.)

At 43, I've just returned to school for a second Masters in Visual and Critical Studies, and I'm curious/excited to see how that changes/shapes/moves me. Other things I enjoy: crocheting and making collage art, snuggling with my large rescue dogs, exploring all nooks and crannies of San Francisco, reading (mostly women's memoirs, lately more fiction as well) and long conversations about meandering topics.

Looking forward to being part of your community here.

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Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn! Lovely to learn more about you and congratulations on your return to school. So pleased you’re following your heart. Healing through creativity is something that interests me too so I look forward to reading more 🤗

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What a hyggelig welcome, dear Sarah ☕️🕯️

I’m focusing on my roots at the moment, finding my footing and comfort in the person that I am, in my writing, while acknowledging that I am highly sensitive and things have to be different than they were. I’m trying to nurture my stream.

Curiosity and creativity comes from nature, conversations online and offline, books and stories from my family, places I am from or have visited.

I’m so enjoying your space here. ✨

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Another cute word, Nadja! This sounds like a beautifully immersive time for you. Keep being kind to yourself 😚

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Hi, I’m Gráinne, living in the west of Ireland. I started my SubStack without any particular direction or goal but it has become a place to talk about our journey through autism after our ten year old was diagnosed earlier this year.

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I like to get started and see where something takes me. I’m glad this has evolved into an outlet where you can journal and explore 💛

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Ah we also have an autistic son although undiagnosed just now... 👋

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It’s a journey for sure 💜

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The pandemic really helped with ours. Slowed everything down so we could see more clearly! ✨🙏

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

HI love

So lovely to find another way to connect with you. I am new to subsack and very much finding my feet. I am using my space here to try to let myself be with the words that I find swimming in my head and not get caught up how that might look in the way I do with social media. I am having a little time out at the moment as the world has caught up with me, and so I am loving finding a space that feels open and (as much as I can manage at the mo) unencumbered.

You create lovely, safe spaces and so I am very grateful to be here xx

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So pleased to see you here, Clare! Still finding my way with Substack too but it feels like the antidote to the quick fire of socials. I enjoy Instagram but think I’ll soften my approach there so I can balance it with time spent here. Unencumbered is the word 💛

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Hi everyone! I am loving these intros. When you've been here a while you see familiar names pop up in Notes or comments, but often missed the backstory, so this is lovely, Sarah.

I'm Lindsay, a writer based in Glasgow. I have a memoir on submission with UK publishers at the moment and launched my Substack six months ago to help me establish a regular, accountable writing practice after the very different writing rhythm of my book... Though in saying that, I'm also chipping away at my first novel so that side of my writing life feels a little different to Substack!

Here, I write about stepping into perimenopause post-therapy, mothering daughters and my caring responsibility. I have a growing membership who have access to two additional essays each month: one on caring and the other on the reader and writer life. I'm about to launch my first short course for my membership, which kicks off in late September and can't wait to share more on Sunday.

Elsewhere, I review poetry and memoir for the Glasgow Review of Books which adds another bit of 'deadlineiness' to my writing life! My day job is at Scottish Book Trust, Scotland's national literacy charity, and a long time ago I was a High School English teacher for a decade...

We have two girls who are growing up too fast and a household of fluffy animals to take care of, and I think that's a full enough description of my life for now!

I, like Claire, am also interested in seeing whether we might be able to work together on a little something in the future, so looking forward to staying connected here!

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Oooh! Tell me more about the short course?

I feel the same about backstories. I often read a post then subscribe, but don’t always hop on over to the about page.

Definitely stay in touch as I’ll be sharing my availability soon and would love to know what you have planned. I’ll likely start back to work with brand mentoring in December then slowly begin taking on design projects again 🤗

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Lovely! So important (albeit hard) to achieve a balance between enthusiasm to get going with exciting creative pursuits (and work!) when family life is also full-on. I am the worst for steaming ahead though it sounds like you've got a well-considered approach to the next few months :)

Yes, the course! I run writing for better mental health workshops in person, and have decided that Substack is the perfect home for the online incarnation. It's a gentle, 4-week introduction to the Pennebaker method, which is a form of journalling that encourages you to give space for the challenging stuff to the benefit of both your mental and physical wellbeing.

I'm writing at length about it this Sunday, and the course launches for my membership community at 8pm BST on Thursday 21st Sept. I'm hoping this timeslot will mean that there's a fair chance UK-based parents will be able to attend... clusterfeeding / bedtimes etc permitting!

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Sounds lovely, Lindsay! A beautiful offering to bring to Substack since there will be so many avid journalers here. I’ll have to check out the Pennebaker method 💛

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Ahhh such a beautiful invitation! I love that we have connected here after crossing paths in random ways over the past few years!! Feels like lifetimes ago we met on that zoom call with Hayley!

I have always found your intentional and thoughtful approach to Branding to be so inspiring. Everything really does have such meaning and that’s so beautiful to see in your work! I’m excited to be here to soak in more of your magic.

I am Lauren, a multi-passionate Mother of two daughters, Sophia is nearly 4 and Vesper is 8 months... so in terms of chapters I’m very much in the early Motherhood years of snatching pockets of time to be creative and fill up my cup, while also running a web design business, coaching, guiding others through human design and writing in my little sanctuary here about the magic, the mess and the sacredness of Motherhood.

Definitely in the ‘juggle’ phase and have to work hard at staying slow and not getting frazzled as I unravel from many years of hyper-productivity!!! But also really feel like this postpartum and this year turning 40... I am really landing into myself and finding my own unique rhythms.

So grateful for your words here in this space and all your support. Xxx

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Gosh that call does seem like forever ago! I miss those kinds of opportunities for connection 🥹

I’m excited to see where the next chapter takes you. Feels as though we’re crossing paths again at similar times in our lives. And I’m interested to know more about your Human Design work so we must properly connect around that when I have more structure!

Thank you so much for your kinds words. They mean a lot, especially during this postpartum phase where I’m prone to the occasional existential crisis 🙃💛

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Yes I miss them too!!! Definitely not a huge amount of space for them in this season!!

Oh the tenderness of these first few years again... alongside running a business... it’s a lot... and I feel like postpartum is like one big existential crisis!! 🤪 But I trust that on the other side is magic! Ha! I’m right there with you.

Would love to share more on Human Design when you have the space and structure there. I could talk about it for hours! Xxx

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Hi, Sarah! Thanks so much for the invite to your nook. And I too am having a hard time remembering when and where I first came across your SS... it might have been a recommendation from Charlene??

In any case, I'm Maribel and I am very glad to be here. I think there are lots of sources of inspiration for me but as late, my curiosity and creativity have been heavily fueled by all the wonderful and supportive people here on SS. It's everything I wanted from social media (which just affirms my decision to delete all of my accounts elsewhere). Other sources of inspo include spirituality, the occult/esoterica, film and film studies, literature, and content creators/artists on YouTube.

I am currently on a sabbatical of sorts from full-time work. I fill my days with various projects and hobbies in addition to taking care of our home and making sure the husband is well-fed. 😁

It's so lovely to meet you and all the gentle voices in this thread! Hello, all! 😌

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Nook! Perfect 🥰

Lovely to meet you, Maribel, and I couldn’t agree more. This is such a supportive space. It’s really fuelled my enthusiasm over the last few weeks since I took a little pressure off myself around how I had originally planned to show up. And the variety of content is wonderful too.

Excited to see where your sabbatical takes you. The perfect time to get curious 🤗

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Hi my name is Shula, I am a fibre artist(punch needle, thread painting and weaving) amongst other things who is also learning to market her work well. I really liked what you said about creating brands that feel like home. That’s what I want to get better at doing with my artwork.

I am looking forward to being part of your community.

And I live in Winnipeg Canada with my husband and two kids :)

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Weaving is so meditative - it’s the only craft I’ve ever really lost myself in - and I’d love to try punch needling. It seems to be enjoying something of a revival, I think?!

I love that you’re thinking about how you can make your art feel more like home. I think it starts with the process and how we feel when we’re creating and making...if it feels good when we’re doing then perhaps others are more likely to feel good when they’re experiencing it 🥰

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Thank you for replying. Feels special ☺️ yes punch needle is definitely getting it’s moment in the spotlight these days. I love love what I hope it shows in what I share.

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Hello Sarah! It definitely was a lovely introduction about you and your life. I'm Divyanshi, from India. I just got graduated this year and currently I'm studying different subjects by myself. To put it precisely I love reading books, listening to music especially the classic, taking strolls around, cafe hopping and lovely gardens. I also love writing poetry and thinking deeply. I discovered writing and reading in the most dark phase of my life. And I can say it helped me save myself. Ever since, i confide in reading and writing. I don't have many friends in life and honestly i guard myself from making friends because of the experiences that I have had. Sometimes, i really want to outgrow this feeling and socialise with beautiful people but I fail to let my guard down for once and then there's mostly me and my life supporting each other. I guess I'm just telling too much about myself. Another sign of societal stigma of not being vocal and accepting your issues. Anyways, i forgot to mention that i genuinely love libraries and I miss my college library so very much. I don't have any library where I live and that's a sad part. But anyways, i hope you folks have more and interesting things to talk about. Love and light🤍✨

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Ah thank you for introducing yourself, Divyanshi. Where in India are you from? I’ve done some travelling in the north.

Cafe hopping is one of my favourite things to do too...and I occasionally like to stop for a spot of people watching!

I came to writing during a difficult time and I’m glad it’s been a healing tool for you 💛

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I'm from Jammu and Kashmir. Also, I'm glad i came across your profile and especially this post . I mean , this is the first time I introduced myself in such a healthy community. Thankyou ❤️

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Hi Sarah,

I found your Substack via Notes and fell immediately in love with the name The Brand Seasons - i’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

I’m Monique, a creative writer from The Netherlands. On Substack I write about creative living from the safeness of your comfort zone. (I’m an introvert and think that there’s sometimes too much pressure to ‘step outside of your comfort zone’)

My creativity sparks from warm cups of hot cocoa and soft blankets and candle light. These things always brings out my love of writing and storytelling.

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Monique! Hello! What a beautiful introduction.

I’m with you on the pressure to stretch ourselves. I used to constantly live outwith my zone of comfort, which led to an increase in anxiety and, eventually, depression. What followed was a decade of undoing but I’m happy to be on the other side, knowing myself and what feels good for my nervous system 💛

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I love this, Sarah! So great getting to know you a bit more.

I'm Hunter! I waded into the online world when a friend encouraged me to start a food blog back in 2011. I taught myself photography and shared recipes there for a few years, working with some bigger brands and creating content. It burnt me out a bit so eventually I switched to just lifestyle blogging, and ended up getting random jobs here and there for different online things. I tried to go to a 'big girl job' and lasted one day before I realized that the thought of sitting at a desk and being told when I could go home felt absolutely paralyzing. I have a degree in screenwriting & songwriting, so writing is my favorite art form by far.

I'm from Florida but ended up meeting my husband (online!) in 2017. He's from Newcastle so I spent a significant amount of time over there from 2018-2020 as we waited on his American green card. It was then that I discovered the art of slow living and everything changed for me! I now share about slow living in my own Substack called The Magically Mundane, I am a proofreader/editor by day for an educational company and then also do photography on the side. We now live in Florida with our almost 2-year-old, Maverick, and our sheepadoodle dog, Charlotte. I'm hoping to go full-time with my writing and photography in the next year, but that feels so daunting and terrifying to even say out loud!

I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon your space and joined your sweet community!

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We love Florida. Went with our daughter a few years ago and spent Christmas on Anna Maria Island. Hope to return with our son someday and no doubt do the Disney thing again...then find another quiet place to recover!

So happy we connected and wishing you all the best with your writing and photography plans. It sounds like an inspiring time for you 🤩

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Hi Sarah and Everyone here!

I’m Hannah, I’m 38 and I was a school music teacher for 16 years before I realised that it didn’t work for me and so I have recently retrained as an interior designer. I’m now teaching part-time, building my business and unleashing my creativity all over the place. I would never have considered myself a writer, but a couple of months ago I decided I was going to start a Substack and I haven’t looked back. I have a podcast in the planning stages which will feature women who have made a significant career shift a little later in life. I’d love to connect with more people on here, it’s my favourite place in the online world right now.

Happy Friday everyone!

Hannah x

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Sharing in your enthusiasm for this online space! It’s still fresh and new to me too but somehow feels very familiar. Excited for all you’re doing 🤗

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Hi Sarah, I love this idea of a cosy corner for connection, it really is a dream to meet like-minded people here and to feel part of a beautiful tapestry of creativity.

I’m Lyndsay and I can’t remember how I came across Brand Seasons first. Anyway, I remember your words and offering immediately landing with me as my background is in PR (for interiors/design brands) which has some crossovers with branding and I have found that living cyclically and seasonally hugely important in my life.

I left my role as the director of a small PR agency in London before having my daughter at the end of Jan 2020 and I have been navigating the wilds of motherhood with my 3.5 year old and 1.5 year old since...!

Living creatively is important to me and I feel as though I am finally beginning to find the space to reclaim this (though I tried to weave creativity into everyday life when the space wasn’t available).

Connection, collaboration, discussing ideas and drawing out stories in a meaningful way has always been at the heart of things for me and I look forward to exploring more of this on Substack.


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Thanks for sharing more about your life and work. I can relate to the wilds of motherhood! And what you’ve said about Substack and connection. It really is such a beautiful space for collaboration and a huge source of inspiration.

Pleased we crossed paths. So much synergy 🤩

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I'm not sure what lead me to this post when it originated on 7 September, before I joined Substack, but I think it's a lovely invitation and have enjoyed reading the replies.

I live in Perthshire on the southern edge of the Highlands with my partner (and our beloved collie Braan until least year). Somehow I've made a living as a freelance outdoor writer and photographer for the past 25 years. In that time I've done quite a variety of writing, including copywriting for nature and tourist agencies and press releases. But the bulk of my work, especially recently, has been walks guidebooks and active travel features (latterly campervan-based).

Most of my friends are retired or heading that way, but I am reluctant to join them, although I'd love more time to join all the activities they get up to. For me, working is an excuse to do what I enjoy: walking and exploring, mainly around Scotland. I suspect I'll keep going until I drop.

I have a stalled nature memoir half written and am conscious that I always favour paying gigs over my own creativity. That is what's drawn me to Substack – the idea that I could develop my personal writing and (I hope) find a new audience for it. Maybe I'll share some of my book and find new impetus for it. At present I'm studying all the advice I can find on here before launching my own publication in 2024.

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Thank you so much for commenting ☺️

Perthshire is one of my favourite places. I used to live close to Pitlochry, only for a little while, but enough time to appreciate its beauty. Your writing career sounds incredible!

I you have an incomplete memoir and while I make a living doing creative work I really want to make more space for that project. Are you following Lindsay Johnstone of What Now? She’s doing some really interesting stuff around her memoir.

Excited to see your publication launch 💛

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Not following Lindsay yet, but will head that way now. Yes, Perthshire is a beautiful part of the world, but so are the Scottish Borders. I spent a few weeks down there researching a new Pathfinder walks guide that’s just been published and was amazed by the choice of walks. I had a long list of about 200!

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Oh wow, that's incredible! So it's called Pathfinder? We're looking for routes to explore with the little ones!

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It's called Scottish Borders and is part of the Ordnance Survey Pathfinder series: https://shop.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/scottish-borders-pathfinder-guidebook-88/?sku=9780319092583 They recently introduced a series called Short Walks Made Easy (1 to 5 miles in length and ideal for little ones) and I'm currently working on two new ones. Some of the Pathfinder walks are probably too long for wee legs, but they do include quite a few short walks.

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Just bought it, thank you!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Hi Sarah!

Fellow ritual hot drink in a mug & candle lighter over here!

Thank you for the warm welcome. It’s lovely to get a feel for who you are.

I’m Venus and my current life season is all about motherhood. I have a 16 month old who has become my world. Previous life would have seen me in the “female empowerment” coaching industry but these days I just want to be at home with my child(ren), home-educate and raise chickens 😂

What can I say...the simple life chose me.

I’m new to substack so grateful for posts like these to make connections ✨

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Chickens seem to be a recurring theme here! I’m taking it as a sign ✨

Thanks for stopping by and sharing more about yourself. I’m glad I created it as a way to connect!

Substack is a great space for home educators to be. Are you on Instagram? Claire of @a.daffodil.and.a.bee takes such a lovely approach 💫

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Oh I love that. Join the chicken crew!

I’m moving away from instagram but i will check her out, thanks so much!

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Also check out Lauren Barber here if you haven’t already! A beautiful, nurturing account 🥰

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