Will always indulge you using the garden metaphor! :) In fact, I have thoroughly loved listening to this episode as you helped me realise that tending to my creativity doesn't always mean being creative for me. Actually it is tending to my garden and home that often allows me to integrate creative ideas, wait, percolate and soften into action. X

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So pleased this spoke to you, Zoë! Tending to my creativity can look like taking a shower, being by the sea or a river…so…water! And decluttering is another thing that really helps me organise my mind, ready for creativity ✨

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Jun 17Liked by Sarah Robertson

Oh I loved this episode! I adore your podcast and always go running straight to Spotify whenever I get the email saying a new one has been released (thanks for sharing everywhere!)

I'm currently oscillating between the seasons, so I really appreciated the reminder that it's okay to go at our own pace. There's so much noise out there like all the old town cryers yelling 'the time is now', etc, but honestly, sometimes it isn't and that's okay too. Loved this little permission slip. Can't wait until the next one! 💜

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Thanks for coming back and commenting, Cassie! Despite having lots of downloads (or certainly a number I’m surprised by!) there isn’t much conversation around the episodes. So it means a lot to get this kind of feedback, and to know the solo reflections and guest conversations might be making an impression.

There really is SO MUCH NOISE. I can’t hear myself think at times and am re-curating my online experience here and in other spaces, too.

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