Brand Seasons
Brand Seasons
Harnessing your energy with Laura Blume

Harnessing your energy with Laura Blume

On finding rhythm + creating structure within your life + work

In this next conversation of the series, online marketing and business strategist Laura Blume joins me to delve into the Season of Blossoming.

Together, we consider:

  • harnessing our energy for cycles of productivity and visibility

  • finding rhythm and structure within our days and weeks

  • the tools we can use to support growth and change

We also touch on our seasonal approach to business, my upcoming crowdfunding campaign for a branding and business card deck, as well as the Gathering Stories club, our monthly content creation sessions. While our summer sessions for Gathering Stories have started, we may open the doors for the autumn season, so make sure you’re subscribed to learn more.

Subscribe to receive new posts and podcast episodes, and to learn more about the Brand Seasons playdeck and paper!

How do you support yourself during busy periods? What does rhythm and structure look like in your life and work? And do you use any tools to support you on a daily or weekly basis?

Thanks for listening, and remember you can find bonus content from guests along with articles on strategy, styling and storytelling, right here on my Brand Seasons publication.

Laura is on Instagram and you can learn more about her approach to online marketing and business strategy on her website.

You might like to connect with me on Instagram, too, and share this episode with those who are curious about all things creativity and seasonality.


If you enjoy tuning in, leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or a rating on Spotify would mean a lot, and help others find their way here, too.

Thank you to Saorsa Psychology, the sponsor of this first season.

In Gaelic, Saorsa means 'freedom'—serving as a beacon for those eager to amplify their impact in the world, in a grounded and gentle way.

Freedom lies in being bold, and if you’re looking for deeper meaning, you can carve your own path with a combination of coaching and psychology, where you'll be guided through the wood, the trees and the spaces in between. 

To learn more about how you can create space to think, do and be, visit Saorsa Psychology. You can also connect with founder

right here on Substack at , and follow her on X, Facebook and Instagram.

As a free subscriber, you can enjoy articles and essays written through the lenses of curiosity, creativity, and connection and a podcast exploring the rhythms of our creative lives and work.

If you’re ready to craft a brand that feels like home and access exclusive insights and resources, consider upgrading to join my Brand Seasons paid community. Here, I support you with a gentle, nurturing, and playful approach to brand strategy, styling, and storytelling. I’d love to welcome you!

Brand Seasons
Brand Seasons
Join designer, mentor and writer Sarah Robertson as she shares ideas and insights from a creative career spanning over two decades.
Through a blend of solo episodes and guest conversations, you'll learn more about the Brand Seasons method, which charts the phases of Sowing, Blossoming, Harvesting and Grounding. Sarah considers what this means for our creative lives and work, with topics including honing our vision, navigating busy stretches and quiet periods, and harnessing our energy. She also touches on nature and its cycles, drawing inspiration from the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
Sarah runs These Are The Days, a studio specialising in crafting brands that feel like home, where she supports clients with strategy, styling and storytelling.
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Sarah Robertson