
I loved writing this for you Sarah, it was perfect having your invitation to respond to after our many online chats about my favourite subject!

Something I find absolutely beautiful about HD is how we actually all work together as the perfect team if we stick to our strategy and authority, and we stop trying to be something we’re not… it feels like a real release, an exhale, letting go of what we think we SHOULD do and doing what actually works instead.

I’m looking forward to working with you on your design over the summer!

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Appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom, Sarah! The prompts at the end were really helpful, too 😊

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Anytime! And I'm glad you prompted me to add them, great Projector-y wisdom at work there Sarah ;)

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Jun 29Liked by Sarah Lynas, Sarah Robertson

I can't wait to hear more about your findings, Sarah (R)!

What a lovely contribution Sarah (L), I felt so understood in your words!

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Thank you so much Nadja! Bringing human design to people in a meaningful way seems to be my path right now, I’m very joyfully following it! 🧡

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Jun 26Liked by Sarah Lynas, Sarah Robertson

I just had a read and it all makes so much sense! I am a Manifestor and everything Sarah (Lynas) said really resonates with me. Also, heiter seems to be the perfect Manifestor business 😉

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Love that, Kiki! The more I read the more aligned I feel, so it's great you've had this immediate connection. Heiter really is a Manifestor brand. Part of me loves the Manifestor energy and I often wonder if I've previously tried to harness that when, maybe, I need to be a little more patient and settle into my own energy 😅

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Ohh this is something we can all catch ourselves at… trying to be another Type..! Human design starts to strip away that comparisonitis and encourages staying in your own lane, it’s beautiful to witness the shift.

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