Love this!! I cannot wait to get my slow seasons book! I ordered it a while back, but I don't get it until Dec (I think because I am in the states!). Autumn always asks me to go within and lean into family traditions (Oct-Dec), lots of time with kids baking, outdoors in nature and taking pauses from all of the other noise. I am also big on scents, so bringing natural elements into the home and using essential oils (and/or pot simmers) to keep that calming seasonal scent in the air, with windows open, so you give the home a boost of natrual fresh crispness. Best time ever in my opinion.

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I’m with you on the baking, nature and pausing. And the book will be worth the wait. I promise! So tactile. Just gorgeous!

I’m a summer girl at heart, or at least I was. I’m beginning to lean into autumn as I approach my middle years. Perhaps something to do with finding it easier to let go...hmm 🍂

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

I think leaning into, and most importantly slowly down long enough to hear what nature is telling me, is one of the most important parts of living cyclically. In addition to that, knowing my inner season may not always match up with the outer season.....personally I’ve been in the season of winter for almost two years. Postpartum is most certainly a winter period but mine didn’t finish nice and neatly at the end of 40 days...postpartum is of course forever. So in addition to the other seasons and nature being a guide, I’m always called to listen intently to my own compass and be ok with it not always matching up with others or the world around me too.

I’m sure 2024 has lots of exciting opportunities and collaborations coming your way ✨ your newsletter is a beautiful contribution to the Substack world.

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Nodding along in agreement to all of this. Especially the part about knowing that your inner season won’t always align with your outer season. I kind of feel like my outsides don’t match my insides at the moment and, while that’s for different reasons, I think the push and pull between outer and inner seasons is playing a part. I’m having to do a lot of postpartum processing and have a couple of upcoming appointments to help with my physical recovery. So I hear you loud and clear.

And thank you as always for your support. That last line genuinely lit me up 💫

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It is genuinely lovely to get to know you through this space Sarah. Your work and how you live in alignment is inspiring and it gives me hope for the what my future holds...where work and passion can co-exist.

It is so east to say 'enjoy he precious newborn/little baby moments', but please do know I really see you too and I definitely know its not always easy to, or possible to in the moment. I love my children with my whole heart but in having them I am having to rebuild my life all over. Its certainly push and pull in so many areas. I'm so happy you are seeking the help and support with recovery you need.

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I really do believe you can find harmony in both! It takes practice, sometimes a leap of faith, but it’s possible ☺️

And yes...people have good intentions but sometimes I just want yell “I feel guilty, but I am giving, and I am grieving!” My kids are my world but my, what a ride 💛

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Hey lovely, what a delightful thing to consider. I love to thrill all my senses at this time of year, so wearing lots of soft knitwear including super-soft socks, wearing Ffern autumnal blend perfume, wearing berry red lipstick. Within the home fairy lights and candles. Baking with apples, cinnamon and squashes and pumpkins. I also turn to crochet and knitting at this time of year. And more time in bed! Im happy to slow down, though this doesn’t mean my work output slows down, as all this nourishment often brings about major creative breakthroughs! X x

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Yes to cosy socks and fairy lights. You are speaking my love language! Interested in your pumpkin recipes. And I get what you mean about breakthroughs...when I take things more slowly, I gain more clarity 💛

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I love all the inspiration from other Substackers!

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There’s so much autumnal and creative beauty to soak up ✨

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What a lovely post, Sarah! Thanks so much for the mention too. 😊

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Thank you! And you’re welcome ☺️

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Thanks so much for your kind words about 'Slow Seasons'. This post really resonated, especially the part about creative seasons - I've been having a lull since finishing the final draft of my book but I can feel my creativity coming back! I have missed it! ❤️ Rosie x

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That's totally understandable, Rosie. I can only imagine how much emotional and creative energy went into the process! I'm in the midst of writing something of my own and there is so much to consider and navigate 💛

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

I relate so much to the autumn season you speak of Sarah, even though I am living in Australia and it is actually Spring. I do always feel like I have one foot in both my worlds (UK and Australia) and I often feel a little confused with the transitional seasons. It is Spring time here, but my body and soul is craving Autumn.. a little funny really. I often wonder how much the earth and moon I was born under influence this within me. My mum is visiting us for Christmas here in Australia, from the UK for the first time in 9 years. My plan is for a very slow, crafty and homely Christmas. I've been listening to @Bethkempton calm Christmas and that has really helped me to figure out what I truly want from this season. Thanks for sharing the other writers too, I will certainly check them out. xxx

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Having one foot in spring and one foot in autumn is something I can resonate with!

I read Calm Christmas a few years ago. It’s such beautiful invitation to create your own rhythm over the festive season.

And so lovely to see Beth join us here 💛🥰

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This is such a gorgeous post Sarah, it felt like reading spun gold. I love what you say about how the nature of creating shifts in this season and how you are quietly preparing for going back to the studio. I also completely agree re: collaboration, it has always been the part of my work and in life that I have loved the most — finding those gems of synchronicity (and difference) and learning from others. I am enjoying creating the atmosphere of autumn in our home and starting to create traditions and rituals as a family xx

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I’m so pleased you enjoyed reading it. This one felt a little vulnerable to share, perhaps because I’m committing to slowing down and savouring...but also because it’s a little different to what I might usually post.

I also love exploring rituals with children and being led by them to create new traditions. Enjoy the magic ✨

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I love how seasonal alignment is so present for so many of us here. Just published my reflections on racing and resting earlier today, too.

It’s like the most natural thing for us in this corner of Substack and when I talk to other people it’s a totally foreign concept.

Candles and autumnal crafts help me slowly soften into the season and I’m only now discovering thorough all the beautiful recommendations on here that there are many incredible books out there that I haven’t yet read on this topic.

Did autumn arrive late where you’re based this year, too Sarah? My body is still adjusting jumping from T-shirt weather to wool sweaters within 2 days 2 weeks ago.

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It’s beginning to feel autumnal, though it’s been rainy over the last few days. Dreich as we say in Scotland!

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I hear you on the conversations outwith Substack. When I use words like seasonal or nurturing or gently my other half shudders 😆

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loved reading through this, I've already read most of the posts you've linked to too - absolute gems! Glad I've discovered your Substack! I've been thinking about this more recently. It's my second winter being self employed so now I'm out of the initial change and overwhelm I'm really planning on allowing myself to go slower, bring in rituals and essentially romantise and take time to appreciate the life I've created for myself.

A huge element of this for me is lighting. I've started using candles, fairy lights and lamps more this year to lean into the cosiness and it's been interesting to see how much of a big difference this makes to my mood and sense of cosiness!

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Yes, Jodie! Love the idea of romancing ourselves with candles, fairy lights and lamps. This is the setting I love most for writing but it doesn’t always work out this way. The intention is there though!

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Love that you’re in the input season as you prepare for the output season! I always find that if I’m aware of where I’m at, it helps so much with embracing that season. And thank you so much for the mention!! ✨

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You’re so welcome! And I agree. Acknowledging where we are can make a massive difference to how we think and feel. I’m looking forward to going inward for a while, and tending to my body and mind as well as preparing for the next season 💫

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