Thanks for this invitation to notice the small things that mark the changes of the seasons, Sarah.

I'm sitting here in the car on a rainy Wednesday evening awaiting my youngest emerging from choir practice, noting that I feel most aware of it these once-a-week moments. On week one it was scorching. I took a picture of my legs hanging out the car door wondering if they might burn. Today, I'm wearing a thermal and the windscreen is steaming up. What next week? In a month, it'll be nearly dark. Some might think this is a bit grim, but I welcome each change in with optimism (and, I must admit, early nights and a SAD lamp!)

Very much enjoyed making a start in this week's challenge. I'm not a particularly visual person, but have returned to the mood board I made in January (also not as new-yeary to me as Sept) and have been able to see something of what I hoped for already has come to fruition. I'll share it with you over on the picture-sharing place!

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I’ve always loved summer and used to find the colder and darker months pretty miserable. But autumn and winter are growing on me and I look forward to all the snug stuff!

So pleased the challenge prompted a return to an old vision board. I love it when you look back on them and see what’s come to life. I tend to make seasonal boards but for the first time in years feel able to look further than a few months ahead. It’s quite freeing 💛

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Noticing the tiny things about the changing seasons is so grounding isn't it. I used to feel a bit groundhog Day about the endless routines that motherhood seems to bring. It's Friday, it's 6.45pm and I'm yet again sitting in a school car park waiting for my son to finish sports. But as you say, each week you notice subtle differences that you probably otherwise would rush past.

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Ahh I can relate to those Groundhog Day vibes! But then those happy in-between moments more than make up for it don’t they 😀

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Ahhh I love this season and a real call to spiral in. I’m also loving the first week of prompts from your little brand journey... I made a board on Pinterest and it’s truly anchored some things in for me! Thank you xxx

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That’s lovely, Lauren! I like the fact you can take as little or as much as you like from the prompts and can go a bit deeper with a vision board. I’m planning to get the magazines out tomorrow. Make some mess 😆

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Yes have had some fun journaling too and some interesting information has come through! Xx

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So happy to read that 🥰

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‘I long for softness’ sums it up for me. The patient days, with place for nurture and introverteness. The rainy ones that give place for cosy creativity. The shorter days that let the candle flames show their glory. ✨

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I do love to light a candle on a rainy day. I’m excited for cosy socks and chunky knits too 🍂

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Oh cosy socks, that reminds me that I need to find them ✨

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And a nice mug for the hot chocolate 😆 can’t forget that!!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Can so relate to September having new year vibes but here it’s spring!

I’ve literally just set intentions for the next 12 months this month. I love that I’m not the only one feeling that

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There are so many opportunities for fresh starts in the year, spring being one of them! I just can’t get on board with starting the year a few weeks into winter!

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Yes to unhurried and soft! Very much here for tuning in with the lessons of autumn in all its fullness, shapeshifting, purifying magic. Keep reminding myself that there is time for everything and this might be the time for going inward rather than trying to do too much xx

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A time for everything! Absolutely. Helps to be able to notice and pivot when tending towards productivity, when what I need is restoration. An awful hangover from my corporate days!

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Yes absolutely know what you mean, thinking cyclically can be such sweet relief from memories of the grind! xx

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Yes the start of autumn does feel like a new year in a way, especially when we ritualise transitions they get the attention they deserve and help us shift more gently.

All the seasonal transitions feel like a new year to me in a way and the “actual” one marked in our calendars feels the least authentic 😆

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Totally! I can’t seem to get going until February at the earliest. I used to be a new start new me kind of person but that feels like a lifetime ago! What’s your favourite season?

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100% and like nature I believe we are meant to rest until February and only start "seeding the seeds" aka our goals for the year and not on January 1st, still the deepest period of winter. Sounds like this is what you've experienced within your body?

I love all the early seasonal transitions as my favourite season, they bring so much newness, excitement, a relief and release and needed shift.

I get impatient and want the next one when we're in deep winter, late spring, high summer etc

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Yes, my body! Since having somatic coaching I've learned so much about the power of listening to ourselves. I used to dance to the tune of what was going on around me, but I'm slowly learning to dance to my own!

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❤️ yes, so special to be able to tune inward more and more and trust what’s coming up

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Thank you for this Sarah, I feel the end of a cycle and new beginnings where there will be more to discover, decipher and dig into! I’ve been very reflective this week on the changes over the last few months and feel the need to gather my thoughts before I proceed. 🙏💫

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Right here with you, Louise! I’m feeling all of those things. Especially the need to reflect before moving ahead 🥰

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Sarah, I love the origin story of your brand name! ❤️

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Thank you, Claire! I was researching song titles around certain words and it just landed with me. We enjoy his music too, so feels meaningful 💛

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Thanks for the mention. Love that maternity leave is feeling supportive right now for you. <3 <3 <3

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It really is. First time around was tough. It’s nice to be in a space where I know how to be kinder to myself ☺️

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That is one of my favorite things about aging in general ... I’m just gentler with myself

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Absolutely 🥰

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