Nov 11, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

I love your honesty about your journey, Sarah. Thanks for the mention again too! I love collaborating on here; there’s such joy to be had from connecting with others 😊. Have a lovely weekend and hope you’re feeling better x

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Joy, yes! And synergy! We all have such varied interests and yet there’s overlap. And opportunities too. All adds to the sense of abundance and possibility I feel here ☺️

And much better, thanks. Taking it pretty easy this weekend 💛

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This is so beautiful to read, I love your intentions and the energy you bring to this space and your writing is so soothing and reflective of your values. It really does feel like a playground... I’m learning my own boundaries and what I do and don’t want to bring into my playground, still finding my feet but so grateful for the deep connections already being made here. I can’t wait to see all of your magic unfold and be part of your journey. Xxx

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Thanks as always for your encouragement, Lauren. Continually on a learning curve here and excited for everything you’re bringing to this space too. You pour so much heart and warmth into it 💛

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Thank you! I feel like I’m still very much experimenting and finding my feet too... giving myself permission to try things and then refine if need be! Trying not to let the perfectionist rule!! 🤪 xx

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It’s all an experiment 😜 xx

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I loved reading this Sarah, it really felt so true to you. I am so inspired by your work and how you are making a multilayered space for it here on Substack. Your journey is a beautiful example of what is possible with creativity and a strong sense of alignment — everything feels like it is unfolding in an intentional way. Thanks also for sharing your thoughts on connection over numbers, slow sustained growth and the dance of creativity alongside a young family — it all resonates deeply. I very much look forward to seeing your next chapter unfold xx

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Thank you so much for your support, Lyndsay. This was another slightly vulnerable share for me so I’m glad it spoke to you in some way 💛

And the whole nurture over numbers thing is an interesting one. It’s not so much that I don’t care about the statistics. Quite the opposite, really, because I do want to grow this space. But I don’t want to get tangled up in subscription rates, if you see what I mean? I believe if we can focus on establishing strong foundations the rest will naturally follow.

So looking forward to our collaborative plans 🥰

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Thank you for a great article Sarah! I’m just starting on Substack (for the 3rd time...) but my youngest is now 9months and I feel that I can finally commit to make it happen.

It’s encouraging to read about the community space you discovered here, it’s what made me settle on using substack as the platform as opposed to another email provider.

Wishing the best for the coming 6months too! Cheers, Elin

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Hi Elin! Oh, how I can relate! The creativity really does happen in those liminal spaces between naps and feeds and bugs and whatever else these tiny humans bring! Welcome back 💛

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Haha most of my writing still happens during naptime, seems to be the only time it’s somewhat quiet around and I can think at least a sentence or two in peace. It’s a bittersweet balance, but at the end of the day there’s nothing better than our kids ❤️ cheers to moms!

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So thoughtful and helpful, I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you Sarah - excited to see what’s next!

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Thanks so much, Karen. Glad it spoke to you in some way!

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I love all these thoughts, Sarah. It’s been such a joy connecting with you here and I look forward to seeing all the beautiful things you bring to this space.

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And you, Hunter. Excited to see what the future on Substack looks like for us all 😊

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Sarah, I absolutely loved this reflective piece and your intentionality that radiates so much calm. Have been enjoying the journey you’ve taken us in over the last few months, diving into branding and how you’re weaving it all together in such a nourishing way x

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Such kind words. Thank you, Carmen! The journey isn't without its ebbs so I enjoyed taking the time to focus on the flows 💛

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Hi lovely, as ever, reading your words is so nourishing. This one particularly so. As with many things around writing, I dip a toe into whatever platforms presents itself with the opportunity to do so and retract fairly quickly - even though with Substack I love the sense that it really can be whatever I want. I am particularly grateful that you mention the overwhelm - as ever, my self-doubt both relishes seeing the possibility of all the wonderful things here and pulls me back because I could never measure up!

In honesty, I am struggling with what I do about paid subscriptions and I think it is contributing to my hesitancy of getting too involved. There is a whole swell of stuff in there for me around not being able to pay for much, together with how it is important that we pay people for their work, esp. in this world of ours that has become exploitative in that regard, and so I pull back abit as I don't want to take advantage of people. Anyway, those are all my things to work out, but I am grateful that you have shared your journey around all that as it always helps me to be able to say things out loud!

I love what you are doing, it is so beautiful and so generous. Fondest xxx

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Such a thoughtful reply, Clare. Thank you 💛

I also feel that push and pull between possibility and comparison. But I’m trusting that my writing will reach the people who want to read it.

I had a couple of recent opportunities that left me feeling a bit ‘less than’. But I’m bolstered by folk like your lovely self who encourage me to keep at it!

Don’t let paid be a barrier to moving forward. You don’t have to put a paywall up. I actually found the idea that I didn’t need to quite freeing ☺️

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Me again love. Thank you for your lovely, encouraging reply. I realised that I'd been really ambiguous in what I said about my dilemma over subscriptions ... it's around who I can support financially that has me over-thinking how I engage (though I chuckled with gratitude at your positivity about mine going paid, whilst my self doubt dutily informed me that will never happen 🤣!). Anyway, I won't waffle on, it just felt important to me to let you know that. Happy Friday ♥️

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Thank you for sharing this Sarah, I do love all the help that is available, but I also get overwhelmed sometimes by what I ‘should’ be doing. I’m aiming to stay aligned with that naivety that I go into all projects with and that seems to work! I’ve meant so many beautiful souls here, that I’m happy to grow my own way and reach out for guidance when it feels right. 🙏💫

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Experimenting with a childlike playfulness is what I’m here for! It’s easier to stay in my own lane these days but I sometimes get caught up with what I ‘should’ be doing too 💛

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Really helpful to learn from your transparency here. Thank you for sharing it.

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You’re welcome! And thanks again for sharing, Kathryn 💛

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Sarah Robertson

Wonderful. So much about your Substack journey resonates, especially holding space and trusting your own process. I feel the same. My mind is always ahead of my reality, but I’ve learned that slow and steady is a more sustainable and peaceful mindset for me. Thank you!

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Slow and steady is the way. I really want my experience of creating here to feel sustainable. Not such a huge commitment it leads to burnout. I don’t think my nervous system could handle it if I got too hung up on unlikely goals!

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I love your honesty Sarah! I would also love to be a paid subscriber when you get there x x

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Thanks, Laura! Would love to have you as a paid subscriber when the time comes. And can’t wait to share your beautifully written piece 😀

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I loved writing it for you xx

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So lovely to read abour your first 6 months here, and so looking forward to seeing it develop. And you are so right, it’s such a space for honesty, companionship and with so many tools to develop your own ideas, it’s truly wonderful✨

I’m also working on some ideas that could develop into a paid wall next year, taking small steps into creating a calendar and some series that will be behind the wall. And also some guest posts on the kindred notes (look out for my owl in a month or two) 🦉🤍

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Oh I am intrigued by the owl!

And thanks, Nadja. I know we're connected beyond Substack but you've been so supportive of me here and for that I'm grateful! It really is companionship, which is probably more fitting than 'connection' come to think of it.

I have an email to send to you actually and will do that now 💛

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I will spill the beans on message on Instagram soon, so you know what the owl is about ✨

Exactly my feelings about your support too, it’s been like water to my creative flowers. So thank you too!

Oh, I’m intrigued too by your email , looking forward to it ✨

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This was my first read of the morning, Sarah. I'm coming to really savour my Substack reading time on quiet weekend mornings while everyone else sleeps on.

Such valuable insights into your journey here so far, and an endorsement for taking things slowly and working out over time exactly what you want from this space. I am excited to follow along with you, and I have to say that your thoughts around branding are getting me thinking... I've been toying with enlisting help to get clear on how things should look and feel on my own stack, particularly since my own initial efforts were pulled together pretty hastily! Let's speak more... 😍

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Love my Saturday morning Substack meanderings. Although I was up at the crack of dawn today so just enjoyed a two hour nap with the babe. Bliss!

I’ll be honest, sometimes I do get a bit lost with what I want from Substack, but find I’m able to get back in my own lane more quickly!

Would love to chat 🤩

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