
Writing this for you was such a beautiful reflection to me of all the ways I’ve untangled many of the narratives I’ve lived by for so long. Although there are still many threads to tease out as well and I think there always will be. Thank you so much for the invitation to share. X

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Thank you for taking the time to share your own experiences. I love sharing stories, and finding ways of weaving my own discoveries into them. Excited to chat about all things business and motherhood 🥰

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May 10Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

🥰 love it

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May 1Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

This was a brilliant read, thank you both! Much of what you said is so aligned with my experiences of becoming a mother and also more in tune with myself, my intuition and energy levels. After an experience of burn out due to striving, overdoing things and not listening to my body, I slowly shifted into making decisions based on whether the thing in question would give me energy or drain my energy, like Lauren said about honouring energy levels/aliveness as an inner compass. I absolutely resonated with what you said Sarah about thriving when not juggling and the realisation that we can’t ‘have it all’ at the same time, (something that no longer feels possible or even desirable). Also everything Lauren said about reframing thriving outside of the traditional values and way more in line with what is actually important to us xx

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So glad the combination of our words struck a chord lovely! I agree with Sarah… we are really beginning a ‘movement’ to create and work and Mother in new ways. It’s stretchy but oh so necessary. X

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Thanks for reading and chiming in with your own experience, Lyndsay. It feels like we are part of a real ‘movement’ here, a shifting and shaping of what it means to support our creativity and our energy 💛

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Apr 29Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

Gosh, I resonated with so much of this Sarah and Lauren - from wanting to move forward and achieve everything I want to in my business but balancing that with what is realistic in this season of mothering has been a never-ending lesson of re-adjusting my expectations of myself. This post is so helpful in viewing productivity in a different way - I love how you bring energy, gratitude and trust into the equation Lauren.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and the reflections to consider. It is such a tightrope between all the dreams and wishes and not wanting to let them go, but also understanding what is possible in each season. I think it does make you super discerning and actually only commit to the things that truly nourish your spirit, but there is a deep process of ‘letting go’ that is definitely not easy or comfortable. Xx

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A never-ending lesson, for sure! Lauren's contribution was a welcome read for me, too. I measured my worth against my output for so long, so it's good to be having conversations that move us in the opposite direction ☺️

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These conversations are what can gently change things aren’t they? And a knowing we are all needing similar! Makes it feel a far less lonely path xx

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100%! And we shall carry on the conversation next week 💛

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Can't wait!

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Apr 26Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

I’m 30 pages into Slow Productivity, and I’m nodding almost relentlessly. It is a stark picture of how we’ve been conditioned to work and live. Fighting against it, often swimming upstream, is very much a journey which I, like you, continue to travel.

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I am yet to read this but it’s on my list now! Thank you so much for reading and sharing in the conversation. I really do hope we can do some of the unravelling for future generations.

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A sobering look at the frantic pace of life and work. But reassuring to know there are others out there on the same path. Gives me the hope that things can be different for the next generation.

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Apr 26Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

Beautiful words from both of you!! 🤍 I feel this so much over the past year and have to readjust many times to be in flow rather than in over productivity because it was frying my already frayed nervous system!

I agree that I think the multi tasking mother is a legend, we cannot do all of the things and we cannot do them all well of that is how we are living! Slow, intention and intuitive is at the core of my being and I’m leaning into that everyday, which means everyday is wildly different in what I do/produce..and learning to be okay with that, well I guess that’s the hardest part!

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. I think there is so much to be said for the fact that maybe we ‘can’ juggle all the things but that’s not sustainable and doesn’t mean we have to. Although it feels rebellious to say no to it! X

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So lovely to see you here in the comments, Jennifer!

Continued learning, relearning and unlearning is what it's all about for me, too. And living with intention and being guided by intuition feels like a good way to counter that.

I find adjusting to the difference in each day hard to accept sometimes. It's not so much that I'm a routine type person...but my nervous system needs an element of rhythm, which isn't quite there at the moment! Soon though!

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Ahhh yes I am the same… I need some structure and rhythm without it being too rigid or high pressure. It’s a dance!

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Dancing sounds so much better than juggling!

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Apr 26Liked by Lauren Barber, Sarah Robertson

Happy to have joined in this convo! I’ve been very mindful of spending time here and only staying with the accounts that *light* me up..like you said relearning. Unlearning. Setting boundaries, it’s all such a process!! This post is exactly what I needed to see though, knowing others are feeling that same, helps so much ✨❤️

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Well I am here for the boundaries conversation. It’s not easy to manage our capacity and energy but so vital 💛

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